Monday, September 10, 2012



what is a talent that you have that would surprise people?'s a question i have
pondered for decades! 
what are my talents? 
first off, the talents that come to my mind are
 not ones that are easy to share. 
secondly, i do not think they
would surprise anyone. 
(i am pretty much an open book and 
my gift for gab is not a surprise.)
 for instance, if i receive any compliments,
if someone is offering comments,
 then it is not a surprise 
it is usually about my
or cursive handwriting. 
tell me, what can i possibly do with that talent?
 it sure isn't the kind of gift that i could make a living off of...

i am a doodler.
 it seems i am able to concentrate on the subject
 at hand if i can DOODLE.
i sit in church or in meetings.
 the speaker may say something that interests me. 
i write it down and then doodle the what i heard.
i would say, probably the most surprising 
to others would be SORTING.
 i love to sort things...into colors, categories,
 subject matter and the like.
 i also like to FILL OUT
nothing more than a page or two. 
just the, address, phone number, 
fill in the bubble questionnaires...

i used to teach school. 
i enjoyed reading to my students.
 i read with expression and changed my
 voice to match the character. 
i had been reading the "bfg" (big friendly giant)
 by roald dahl to my class. 
i actually enjoyed performing the giant's voice.
 i loved the funny words he said...
one of my students was home sick. 
it had been almost a week. 
her mother came to visit and pulled me 
into the corner away from others that were in room. 
she quietly asked if i could teach her how to do
 the BFG'S VOICE...
she then revealed to me
 that her daughter just could not enjoy 
this book without the bfg voice.

so there you have it.
what are your TALENTS
would they surprise anyone?

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