Tuesday, October 15, 2013


i have written a great many letters in my life,
and rarely did i send one
without at least one

i also found great joy
in sending a care package
when an event called for
the good deed

and most people know
i have devoted a great deal of time
trying to be funny

so here is the rest of the story
as paul harvey would say
(just google him then)
or the P.S.S.S.
of the letter and previous blog

"the “U”  wreathe was in a whole other " oRbIT"

Perfect for your dad's door...A word to the wise from the gal without wisdom teeth...”U” heard me...never had to have my wisdom teeth pulled.

probably the smallest care package i ever sent

“Remember Elder... to use your MAGNETIC personality as“U” meet and greet investigators and strangers. Continue to WRITE and let me know what is hapPENning...and may the words from your LIPS be SOFT and gentle even when others reject your message.”Y”? because I think “U” are sooo sick (the good kind of sick)

 Love to “U”
Your CRAZY Aunt...

NOT even Stephen !
You are not related to the First Lady

The Michelle , you are related too is baking 450 cookies...
“It is me....Aunt Camera... I mean AUNT REBECCA
It is so hard to think with a CLUB through my head.”

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