if you could tell me two dream for the future that you have, what would they be?
i have oh so many DREAMS
so many
that i often lose sight
of the DREAM that
i am pursuing
1. to understand and be able to apply the ATONEMENT in my others
and to myself.
i lose too much time dwelling and trying to make sense out of things that have transpired in my life.
i can't change the past.
i may never understand the "why's".
others have their free agency.
the only one that truly understands all,
has already been there.
he knows.
and so
move on
and trust in the one that knows.
he has already
ATONED for it
interestinly enough some of my DREAMS have changed through the years.
some of them became reality
like the
DREAM of being a school teacher and a flight attendent
some DREAMS came to fruition
when i had forgotten that it had been my DREAM
like receiving the blessings of the temple before age 30
(that is another story)
or for heaven sakes....
a master's degree?
some of the DREAMS become refined
but one DREAM that has not changed
and is consistently at the forefront of my mind
2. To be alive and on this Earth at the
of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
from my earliest recollection of the book
i have hoped.
i have dreamt.
i have prayed.
i have watched.
i have waited.
i am still waiting.